A comedy-fantasy with the mysterious love potion that makes anyone fall in love with you...
Why don't people like Opera?
Is it the music? Dated stories? Foreign language?
Before you nod your head, allow us to shatter and reform all of your expectations. Forget everything you know about Opera and open yourself up to a totally new experience...
Come join us and see for yourself. We'll bring you a night of extravagant visuals, vivid and lively performances, and of course a new modern take on Opera that will render you speechless.
We hope to present our production to a diverse audience. This format is available in your native language and we offer the most affordable pricing that won't break the bank.
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We’re excited to see you soon.
前代未聞のステージに衝撃と歓喜が湧き起こる 待望の初演、お見逃しなく
We are a new production with limited funding. Any help would greatly appreciated.
A comedy-fantasy with the mysterious love potion that makes anyone fall in love with you...
Mr. Takahashi is from Chiba, Japan. After finishing his undergraduate study in vocal arts and certificate program at the University of Southern California, he continued his study at one of the best schools for voice performance, the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia and then moved to Milan, Italy. In the US, he won first prize in the Aspen Music Festival Competition. He appeared as Enrico in “Lucia di Lammermoor”, Germont in “La Traviata”, Sharpless in Madama Butterfly, and more in the major opera theaters around the world, such as the Wheeler Opera House(Colorado), the Daegu Opera House (Korea) and the New National Theatre(Tokyo). Mr. Takahashi held a sucessful solo recital in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Nowadays, he often appears as a singer and an actor in major Japanese TV shows and series. He won the championship in the popular Japanese singing competition show, Karaoke Battle in 2017 produced by TV Tokyo. He is currently under the management of DIVINE. After experiencing the Great East Earthquake in 2011, he started singing many different genres to deliver “music that reaches the soul”.
千葉県出身。南カリフォルニア大学声楽科卒業、同研究科修了。全米最難関の登竜門アカデミー・オブ・ヴォーカル・アーツ所属を経て、イタリア・ミラノへ渡る。アメリカ滞在時には全米最大の音楽祭、アスペン音楽祭でコンクール優勝。ラヴェル作曲「ドン・キホーテ」を好演し絶賛を浴びる。これまでにアメリカ各地の劇場やイタリア・アレッツォでの野外オペラ、韓国・大邱オペラハウスや新国立劇場など、国内外の歌劇場で「ランメルモールのルチア」よりエンリコ役、「椿姫」よりジェルモン役、「蝶々夫人」よりシャルプレス役、表題役の「ト ゙ン・ジョヴァンニ」など主要キャストとして出演。また茨城県日立市での野外オペラ「マクベス」にて主役マクベスを、イタリア・ムジカリーヴァ・フェスティバル記念公演「ラ・ボエーム」ではマルチェッロ役をそれぞれ好演した。NY・カーネギーホールでのソロリサイタルを開催し、大好評を得た。Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」出演・歌唱指導。2017年テレビ東京「THEカラオケ★バトル」に同年最多の7回出演、優勝。現在はオペラ以外に もポップスや歌謡曲の演奏のほか、「オペラ紙芝居」シリーズの制作や俳優活動も行っており、ネット配信ドラマ「列島制覇 非道のうさぎ」(内田英二監督)鳩山陣介役、「酒癖50」(小出恵介主演、AbemaTV独占配信中)へ出演したほか、ブライダルデザイナー桂由美氏による「Yumi Katsura Grand Collection with Opera」や「うすきものランウェイ」への出演、長野県伊那市「ミドリナ委員会」委員として日比谷音楽祭2022へも出演を果たす。DIVINE所属。東日本大地震の被災の経験を元に「魂に届く音楽」を掲げ、ジャンルの垣根を超えて活動中。
Mr. Asakura is from Saitama, Japan and he received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in classical voice from Shobi University. He then continued his study at the biggest Japanese Opera Company, Tokyo Nikikai and he is currently a member of its foundation. He appeared as a tenor soloist in “Mass in C major” by Mozart, “Stabat Mater” by G.Rossini, “Symphony No. 9” by Beethoven and more. For opera performances, he performed as Alfred in “La Traviata”, Pinkerton in “Madama Butterfly”, Yohyo in a Japanese Opera “Yūzuru”(Twilight Crane) by Ikuma Dan, Akaoni in a Japanese Opera, “Naita Aka Oni” (The Red Ogre Who Cried) by Kazuhiko Matsui and more.
Ms.Akama is from Miyagi, Japan. She graduated from Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University majoring in voice performance and continued her graduate study at Tokyo University of the Arts. She performed for the “85th Yomiuri Annual Concert for New Musicians” which introduces the top students from all music conservatories in Japan. She appeared in the Sendai Classic Festival, Rakuten Kobo Stadium, and more. She has performed as a soloist in “Elijah” by Mendelssohn, “Symphony No. 9” and “ Missa Solemnis” by Beethoven and more. Her collaborations include the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra, Oratorio Sinfonica Japan and more.
宮城県大郷町出身。宮城学院女子大学音楽科卒、東京藝術大学大学院音楽研究科修士課程修了。第85回読売新人演奏会、仙台市民会館ロビーコンサート「復刻の音色」シリーズ、仙台クラシックフェス ティバルなどで演奏。楽天koboスタジアム(現・楽天生命パーク宮城)にて国歌斉唱を行なう。2019年より上京。東京藝大修士課程在学中にメンデルスゾーン 「エリヤ 」でソリストデビュー。ベートーヴェン「交響曲第9番」、「ミサソレムニス」など のアルトソリストを務め、東京藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団や、オラトリオ・シンフォニア・ジャパンなどのオーケストラと共演。
Ms. Aoki is a native of Miyagi, Japan. She studied classical voice in Shobi University under a full scholarship and graduated with top honors. In 2016, she moved to New York City and made her US debut at Carnegie Hall and performed with the Manhattan Opera Studio. In 2021, she was selected for the title role of Madama Butterfly at the Teatro Giuseppe Verdi in Busseto, Italy by Accademia Carlo Bergonzi and appeared as a finalist in the Mario Lanza Legend Competition and more. Her recording of “Chère Nuit” by Alfred Bachelet was used in the award-winning movie, “The Last Passenger” directed by Mr. Horie Takshi. She is the writer of “Opera Is Boring”.
宮城県大崎市出身。尚美学園大学芸術情報学部音楽表現学科首席卒、在学中はフルスカラーシップを授与。2016年に米国ニューヨークへ渡り、マンハッタン・オペラ・スタジオ主催オペラ魔笛にてデビュー後、カーネギーホールにおけるソロリサイタル出演者に抜擢され成果を発揮した。2021年ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ歌劇場にてオペラ蝶々夫人蝶々夫人役、マリオ・ランツァコンクールファイナリストに選抜された。仙台市出身の堀江貴監督の映画「最後の乗客」では、映画中にアルフレードバチュレの歌曲「愛しい夜」の録音が起用された。Opera Is Boring著書。
Ms. Oikawa is from Miyagi, Japan, and she graduated from Koriyama Women’s University Junior College and Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University majoring in music. She is based in Miyagi and appears in many music events such as the Taiheiyo Ferry, the Ogasawara National Land and more. She holds music events in public spaces and medical centers to develop music education and music therapy through her programs and performances. With her artistic events and projects, she shares her original approach to connect society and people. In 2018, she released her original mini album, “Atelier”. She is the founder of the Miyagino Music School and the social welfare corporation called “Nijino Sakana Production”.
Mr.Saito is from Miyagi, Japan and he performs as a multi-genre percussionist. He hosts original percussion workshops in public spaces and Universities to utilize music and beat as a method of communication. He also visits many elementary schools for outreach activities. Furthermore, he has held seminars and lessons for percussionists and wrote a book for learning techniques. Now, he often performs with a popular band in Japan, MONKEY MAJIK, touring all over Japan.
宮城県仙台市出身。パーカッショニストとして様々なジャンルで活動。打楽器をコミュニ ケーションツールとして活用した独自の「打楽器ワークショップ」を様々な施設や市民センター、音楽大学や楽器店などで開催。財団等を通じ、数多くの小学校で打楽器を用いたアウトリーチ活動も行っている。その他、セミナーやレッスン、教則本の執筆なども行い幅広く打楽器の魅力を広めている。MONKEY MAJIKのサポートパーカッションとして、全国ツアーやレコーディングに参加。
Mr. Hayashi is from Miyagi, Japan. He recorded with MONKEY MAJIK on the album, North View. He currently appears in the TV commercials “with Drink Music” by SUN VENDING TOHOKU. He is also MC on the radio channel “Saxophonist Ha-yan’s Journey to MUSIC” which airs every Friday on FM Izumi 797. The Jazz Live “Journey to Jazz” which is run by him is also loved by many people. He owns the music studio “sendai music place ROOTS” and he is a faculty member of Yamaha’s music school for adults.
宮城県気仙沼市出身。演奏活動、指導の他、MONKEY MAJIKなどのアーティストのレコーディングへ参加。秩父英里がコラボレーションした(株)サン・ベンディング東北のTVCM「 with Drink Music」へ出演中。毎週金曜fmいずみ797にて放送中のラジオ番組「サックス奏者はーやんのJourney to MUSIC」メインパーソナリティ。ビッグバンドジャズライブ「Journey to JAZZ」を主催し、大好評を得ている。音楽スタジオ&サックス教室「sendai music place ROOTS」主宰。ヤマハ大人の音楽教室講師。
Playwright 脚本 |
Manami Aoki 青木麻菜美 |
Music Arranger 音楽編曲 |
Hyungjin Choi ヒョンジュン・チョイ |
Lyricist Japanese ver. 日本語版詞 |
Manami Aoki 青木麻菜美 |
Lyricist English ver. 英語版詞 |
Adrienne Pluta アドリアナ・プルータ |
Stage Director 演出 |
Hiroshi Takayama 高山広 |
Stage Manager 舞台監督 |
Shinobu Ishii 石井忍 |
Set Designers 舞台美術 |
Takeshi Yamada, Riei Sato 山田剛 佐藤理永 |
Lighting Technician 照明 |
Tamotsu Iwaki 岩城保 |
Sound Engineers 音響 |
CONTRIVE コントライブ |
Photographer 撮影 |
Daichi Hiromi 廣海大地 |
Stage Maneger ステージマネージャー |
Satoshi Tanaka 田中聡 |
Music Consultant 音楽コンサルタント |
Michael Corvino マイケル・コルビーノ |
Costume Stylist 衣装 |
Shuku Shimaka 島香淑 |
Hair&Makeup ヘア&メイク |
A-kushu アクシュ |
Hosted by 主催 |
Nijino Sakana Productions 虹のさかなプロダクション |
Co-hosted by 共催 |
Opera Is Boring |
Funded by 助成 |
Sendai Cultural Foundation 公益財団法人仙台市市民文化事業団 |
Sponsored by 後援 |
9.11 Wind Circle Memorial Concert アメリカNPO法人9.11風の環メモリアルコンサート Magenta Shobi University Almini Associations 尚美学園大学尚友会 Shobi University Almini Associations Tohoku 尚美学園大学尚友会 東北支部 |
Title 公演名 |
Opera Is Boring |
Show Length 上演時間 |
1.5 hours 約1時間30分 |
Date & Time 日時 |
September 1st, 2023 opens at 6pm / starts at 6:30pm Venue 2023年9月1日(金)18:00開場 18:30開演 |
Venue 会場 |
Studio Hall in L-Park Sendai エルパーク仙台 スタジオホール |
Entrance Fee 入場料 |
Premium Seating 4,500yen / Standard Seating 3,500yen S席 4,500円 自由席 3,500円 |
Tickets チケット購入 | |
Original Products オリジナル商品 | |
Contact お問い合わせ |
Tel: 090-8613-2448(担当 及川) Email: |
Hi Opera Is Boring fans, if you'd like to get in touch, please send an email to or call +81 090-8613-2448.
Tel: 090-8613-2448 (担当及川), Email: